Trine 2 complete story hltb
Trine 2 complete story hltb

trine 2 complete story hltb

There’s nothing to complain about here, and the soundtrack has no downside either. Weapons make appropriate clashes, clangs, and pings in battle, and objects react to each other with realistic sounds. Environments have believable ambience with insects chirping and water flowing in the forest, and wind howling and thunder echoing through the craggy reefs of a stormy beach. To an extent, the same can be said for the sound effects and music, which also exhibit high quality and creativity. All in all, these things make it a visually striking and awe-inspiring title that few other competitors in its category achieve. In other words, despite the fact that you can only go left and right, there is a sense of depth, openness, and dimension to the levels and environments that brings them to life. Trine 2 addresses this problem with backgrounds that showcase mountainous ranges, cascading waterfalls, and dark hallways that look as if you could run towards them. Most platformer games focus on remaining fairly 2D in perspective and ignore reality in terms of how bizarre their levels would look if they were presented from a different view. Each area looks interesting, and this is especially true with the backdrops and implementation of the 3D graphics. This is further bolstered by its immaculate, varied environmental design and scope, which exceeds that of your average puzzle platforming game.


Running at a smooth 60 frames-per-second in 1080p resolution, the game is incredibly breathtaking to behold with its excellent lighting, rich colours, and sharp textures.

trine 2 complete story hltb


For a 2011 game, you may expect this version on the PlayStation 4 to be a minor upgrade compared to its past iterations, but this assumption is erroneous. He does so with a light-hearted tone and makes humorous comments on the characters’ actions during gameplay, which results in a few smiles, as is the case with the fanciful story in general. The omnipresent narrator, Terry Wilton, also adds a lot to this by summarizing the story and alluding to what’s to come at the end of each chapter as if he were reading a book. The story plays out like a fantasy book that you would read to children it’s innocent, enchanting, well-paced, and actually contains a couple of decent plot twists. In fact, it’s quite refreshing amid a slew of dark, serious, and convoluted releases. It draws themes from classic fantasy tales, but this doesn’t devalue the plot. You will easily realize that the game does not have a complex or original story. But where did these things come from and why? That is up to the heroes to solve, and it will take them on an expedition of epic proportions. These characters, with their varying skills and personalities, must answer any call to action that the Trine gives them, and one night they’re summoned out of the blue once more to investigate a nearby forest, rampant with goblins and mysterious water with magical properties. The trio consists of Amadeus the wizard, Pontius the knight, and Zoya the thief. Our story begins with a cheerful narrator describing a group of three heroes bound together by a mysterious artifact called the Trine. However, does the game fall victim to a lack of inspiration, or is it a fun journey with sublime qualities? Trine 2: Complete Story attempts to invoke these feelings with its colourful, detailed graphics, platforming and puzzle-solving gameplay, and a simple story based on classic fantasy lore. For some reason, fairy tales have this strange ability to captivate the minds of not just children, but adults as well, because they bring out feelings of wonder and longing for adventure. How would you sum up a typical children’s fantasy story? Perhaps words like whimsical, imaginative, and magical come to mind.

Trine 2 complete story hltb